
Website Search Engine Optimization SEO Experts

Search Engine Optimization is the method of constructing, optimizing and marketing a website to improve a website's ranking on search engines. The Builder Consulting Search Engine Optimization Experts have a decade of proven RESULTS for clients nationwide. Every website built incorporates the proven search engine optimization techniques developed to rank your website higher on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all other search engines. It is EXTREMELY important to note that search engine optimization is NOT a single item or task done to a website to improve rankings. SEO is an expert method of utilizing years of expertise, multiple online submission tools, Google Certified Webmaster and Yahoo Search Marketing Expert accounts and ongoing optimization to produce the intended results of higher ranking on search engines.

It is often more expensive and less effective to ‘retro-fit’ a website produced without proper search engine optimization than to build the website properly. Expert website analysis and audit reports and services include:

Social Media Marketing by Internet Builder Consulting provides:

  • Online Competitor analysis
  • Keyword and marketplace research
  • New content prepared by SEO experts
  • Title tag and meta keyword optimization
  • HTML code optimization
  • Database rewrites with spider-friendly site architecture
  • Press releases
  • XML sitemap creation and submission to search engines
  • Robots.txt creation and implementation
  • Blog setup and integration with websites
  • Direct National search engine directory submissions
  • Local search engine directory submissions
  • Expert SEO consulting by national trainers
  • Keyword ranking report
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign setup and management

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing combines paid listings (pay per click), search engine optimization and ongoing additions or changes to a website to achieve top rankings in the major search engines. Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and Ask each have unique directories of content with different ranking criteria.

Social Media Marketing by Builder Consulting provides:

  • Blog Setup and Management
  • Facebook/Myspace Setup and Management
  • Integration of Social Media Tools with your website
  • Training & Education
  • Online Branding and Marketing through Social Media

Social media uses the “wisdom of crowds” to connect information in a collaborative manner. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, message boards, Blogs, wikis, podcasts, photos, and video.

Social media is made up of user-driven websites that are usually centered around a specific focus (Digg = news) or feature ( = bookmarking). Sometimes, the community itself is the main attraction (Facebook and Myspace = networking).

News & Recent Events

We have built over 1,800 website & Social Marketing solutions for customers nationwide since 1995 - 19 years of success.

Contact Faith Social Marketing today for an expert consultation to see how you can reach new members, retain current members, engage and inspire through effective social networking solutions.